Getting there

We are located in the town of Sargans, in the heart of the Swiss «Heidi Land» area. If you visit us, do not forget to schedule a day or two to visit some of the many attractions this area has to offer. We’re more than happy to assist you with your trip organization.

Our headquarters are easily accessible by car and public transport. If you travel by plane, we recommend to fly in to Zurich Airport. Direct train connections are available from the airport to Sargans Railway Station where we can pick you up for your convenience.

Our distribution partners


Shanghai Aprizes Technology Ltd,.
Room A108,Building 5, No.268 Linxin Road,
Changning District Shanghai, China
Phone: +0086-18516346673
Fax: +0086-021-62120882

Suffice International Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Room 604, Huixin Building, No.150, Puhuitang Rd.,
Xuhui District, Shanghai(200030), China
Phone: +0086-21-64682012
Fax: +0086-021-64748667

Powertek International Trading (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd
2101-02,Office Tower 2,Century Link,No.1196 Century Avenue,
Phone: +0086-13761166972
Fax: +0086-021-58695099

Shenzhen Xinsensor Technology Co.,LTD
China Merchants Bank Tower No.7088,
Shennan Boulevard, Shenzhen, China
Phone: +0086-755-26914791
Fax: +0086-0755-86968437

South Korea

RM#1923, Kumkang Penterium IT Tower B
282, Hagui-ro, Dongan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do
14056 Korea
Phone: +82-31-4208866
fax:: +82-31-4505866


Prohubs International Corp.
9F, No. 77, Sec. 1
Xintai 5th Rd., Xizhi Dist.
New Taipei City 221
phone +886-2-26988800
fax +886-2-26988801

United Kingdom and Ireland

Pacer International
Unit 20 Horseshoe Park
Reding RG8 7JW
phone: +44 (0)118 984 5280
fax: +44 (0)118 984 5425

World Wide

Digi Key Electronics
701 Brooks Avenue South
Thief River Falls, MN 56701
United States