Evaluation is the key to the successful integration of a 3D camera into the desired application. In the simplest case, one can find out whether the camera’s sensitivity is sufficient to reliably detect even dark objects at the desired distance. Not only that, the speed of the camera, the spatial resolution, the field of view (FOV) and the dynamic range are also important parameters that need to be assessed.
If several 3D cameras then work in the same environment, virtually hand in hand, it is crucial that they do not interfere with each other or are disturbed by other active sensors.
All of this can be tested extremely conveniently with the new TOFcam toolkit.
The ESPROS TOFcam Toolkit is designed to control and visualize the scenery with a 3D point cloud of all ESPROS TOFcams. It provides Python modules and
GUI applications for interactive control and visualization. Everything needed is in this framework to speed up evaluation and integration.
The TOFcam Toolkit is compatible with the ESPROS TOFcam-660, TOFcam-635, TOFcam-611, and, TOFrange-611. The framework is open be extended by the user so new features can be added to suit specific application requirements.
The documentation guides through the installation and explains to run the ESPROS TOFcam Toolkit.
Key features:
• Modulation frequency and channel controls
• Integration time setting and automatic HDR mode slectable
• Minimum amplitude setting
• Configurable spatial filters like median, average, edge
• Configurable temporal Kalman filter
• Configurable interference detection
• Modifiable and extendable to suit your application
• Built-in Python console (run time)
• Configurable GUI and data visualization (3D point cloud)
• Example scripts
It’s free to download and free to use. Don’t waste time and start now.