Sargans, Switzerland – September 28th, 2017
ESPROS Photonics AG and Chinese Benewake Incorporation have signed a
frame agreement on the supply of a 6 digit number 3D TOF of sensor chips
within the next 12 months for robotics and autopilot vehicles. This frame order
concludes an engineering cooperation between both companies, in which
ESPROS has matured the sensitivity of the epc600/epc610 product family and
BENEWAKE has developed the DE LiDAR which is applied to obstacle avoidance,
SLAM and AI applications. Moreover, BENEWAKE has developed a whole
line of sensor products based on the ESPROS TOF chip family. The motto of
BENEWAKE is to „wake robot up“.
«I am working since 30 years on making Time-of-Flight chip sensors a
reality», says Beat De Coi, CEO and founder of ESPROS Photonics. «Yuan Li
and his motivated team from BENEWAKE have impressed me from the beginning.
Their spirit and hard work have earned them the recognition of the Chinese
venture capital scene and the robotics industry. BENEWAKE has won
several startup awards in the most competitive Chinese environment. Their
development speed is breath taking. I am extremely proud that BENEWAKE
chose our sensor chips for their LiDAR. Their LiDARs show excellent performance
in perception and SLAM.»
Launch of first generation Lidar System
«Among our main shareholders are Chinese vacuum cleaner manufacturers»
explains Yuan Li, CEO and founder of Beijing based BENEWAKE. Robots and
Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) are the pioneers in the field of autonomous
driving. Therefore, car makers are carefully watching our development steps.
I became aware of ESPROS sensor chips by introduction of their distributor
Suffice, that they provide the functionality that we need for our LiDAR, ESPROS
helped us to deeply know their various chip operation modes, and bring
very valuable TOF application experience into our design, which further contribute
to integrate EPSPROS chips into BENEWAKE LiDAR system.
With this first frame contract we supply the launch of our first generation Lidar
system. Several other projects are under development and we see this
only as a start for a long and fruitful cooperation».
Media contact
ESPROS Photonics Corporation
St. Gallerstrasse 135, 7320 Sargans
+41 058 411 03 00

Caption picture: Beat De Coi, CEO and founder ESPROS Photonics and Yuan Li, CEO and founder BENEWAKE, in agreement for long term partnership for „waking robots up“.