Media Releases
TOF>cam 635 – Sunlight tolerant up to 100 kLux
Sargans, Switzerland – July 2019ESPROS rolled out the first series production modules of the brand new TOF>cam 635, 3D Time-of-Flight camera. The feedback from beta tests was fantastic. This module is based on the ESPROS’ epc635 TOF chip with 160 x 60 pixels and outstanding ambient light suppression.
epc611 Evaluation Kit
Sargans, Switzerland – 11 July 2018The new epc611 evaluation kit contains a TOF>frame 611 camera module, a TOF>range 611 finder module, USB interface, cables, reference design information and software.
Market introduction of epc611
Sargans, Switzerland – 4 December 2017ESPROS Photonics AG proudly announces the market introduction of epc611,
a revolutionary new generation 8×8 pixel Time-of-Flight sensor. The arrival of
the epc611 establishes a new industry standard in terms of photon sensitivity,
distance measurement frame rate and versatility for a wide range of applications.
Frame Agreement with Benewake
Sargans, Switzerland – 28 September 2017ESPROS Photonics AG and Chinese Benewake Incorporation have signed a frame agreement on the supply of a 6 digit number 3D TOF of sensor chips within the next 12 months for robotics and autopilot vehicles.
Presenting next generation pulsed Time-of-Flight technology
Sargans, Switzerland – 21 September 2017ESPROS Photonics presented today at AutoSens Brussels the performance and function principle of a new generation of Time-of-Flight sensors. These sensors will allow a car to see obstacles up to 300m range and provide a high resolution 3D distance point cloud with video rate based on conventional silicon semiconductor technology.
Process Freeze Accomplished
Sargans, Switzerland – 6 September 2017ESPROS Photonics Corporation Ltd. (ESPROS) proudly announce, that the manufacturing process for the new generation of time-of-flight and spectral sensing chips from ESPROS Photonics has been finalized and frozen for mass production effective August 15 2017 by contract signature with TSMC.